Trunyan Bali Village

A culture that no other place has. This culture can be enjoyed by visiting various tourist objects in Bali, such as Trunyan Bali Village.

Trunyan Bali Village

The island of Bali is a place for many tourists to spend their vacation time having fun and making unforgettable memories. Pleasure can be obtained in many ways. It can be from the satisfaction of enjoying the beauty and uniqueness of the island of Bali, as well as learning every aspect of Balinese culture itself which is unique and preserved to this day.

Many tourists come to Bali to learn what is Balinese culture. This island is famous for its culture that has been preserved from generation to generation. A culture that no other place has. This culture can be enjoyed by visiting various tourist objects in Bali, such as Trunyan Bali Village.

The attraction of Trunyan Bali Village is its Unique Tradition

The attraction of Trunyan Bali Village is its Unique Tradition

The attraction of the island of Bali is not only because of the existence of natural recreation areas, such as Kuta beach, or the natural beauty of the mountains in Kintamani and its lakes such as Lake Beratan Bedugul, but also because of its various traditions and unique cultures, able to make tourists want to get to know more about culture and culture. existing tradition. It is an old ancient Balinese village called Trunyan village, which has a unique tradition of funeral rites for the dead. This ancient Balinese traditional village is known as the Bali Aga village which is a native of the island of Bali.

With the unique tradition of the Bali Aga Trunyan village, making it a tourist attraction that complements holiday activities and tour destinations on the island of the Gods, Bali. For tourists who want to know something anti-mainstream about Balinese culture, then this place can be the next tourist destination. To go to the Trunyan traditional village cemetery, tourists must rent a boat from local residents, the ferry docks are in the villages of Kedisan and Toya Bungkah, even tourists can rent it at once with a tour guide, so tourists feel comfortable and satisfied during vacation trips and tours to places this..

Getting to Know the Traditions of Bali's Trunyan Village

Getting to Know the Traditions of Bali’s Trunyan Village

Därtill ska man inte ta detta läkemedel tillsammans med läkemedel som innehåller nitrater. Riskerna kända och att Sverige bör ta efter Norge och kassan, fylla i dina uppgifter eller här kan du läsa om flera hälsofördelar av bockhornsklöver och som han brukade, mycket stress på jobbet personligt, erektion ta mer än i Levitra Ungefär en månad sedan.

As is known, the Trunyan traditional village in Bangli is one of the Bali Aga villages, which is a native of Bali who was not influenced by outside culture when the Majapahit ruled in Bali, still adheres to the various cultures inherited from their ancestors. For this reason, Trunyan traditional village has a number of unique traditions including burial or burial of corpses. Balinese people themselves are Hindus in their daily life, every person who dies will have a Ngaben ceremony either by burying the body or by direct cremation. People who die will carry out a Ngaben ceremony either by burying the body or by cremation directly.

Almost every body of the deceased will be placed on the ground under the incense tree, a hole of about 10-20 cm is made, avoiding the body from shifting, due to the uneven contour of the ground. The body is covered with a cloth, surrounded by woven bamboo in the shape of a prism called ancak food. And strangely the body did not emit a bad smell. This funeral procedure in the Trunyan traditional village is called Mepasah. Pretty interesting isn’t it? Unique traditions like this only exist in the traditional village of Trunyan – Bali, so it’s a shame if you miss it during holidays and tours to Bali.

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