Kelungkung Semarajaya Museum

Every tourist who vacations in Bali will definitely find and visit all the existing tourist attractions. One of them is the Klungkung Semarajaya Museum.

Kelungkung Semarajaya Museum

The island of Bali has become a tourism icon in Indonesia. Where the beauty and uniqueness has been recognized by the eyes of the world. So that the island of Bali gets the title as “Paradise on Earth”. Lots of beauty and exciting activities that can be enjoyed. The tourists who come to Bali will never regret, but will get unforgettable memories.

Vacationing in Bali makes many tourists want to come back because the island has a lot of fun. Some of them such as various interesting and popular tourist objects that must be visited. Every tourist who vacations in Bali will definitely find and visit all the existing tourist attractions. One of them is the Klungkung Semarajaya Museum.

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The Popular Educational Tours in Bali

The Popular Educational Tours in Bali

Bali is indeed a small island but has many beautiful tourist attractions that can be visited, such as Klungkung Regency. Like other districts, the Klungkung area also has many tourist attractions. Starting from natural tourism, culinary to educational cultural tourism.

The Samarajaya Museum in Klungkung is a suitable place for tourists who want to know the culture in Bali, especially in Klungkung. The reason is that the museum, which is located in the Kerta Gosa complex area, has become one of the choices for educational tours. There are many historical objects related to culture.

The History of Semarajaya Museum Building

The Semarajaya Museum has an old building with a unique architecture. This building is known as one of the Dutch heritage which has a function as a school, to be precise the MULO school.

Inside this museum, there are 3 main rooms which are storage areas for collectibles, each of which is used to store a collection of prehistoric objects, historical objects, and Klungkung handicrafts.

However, the existence of the Semarajaya Museum also has its own historical events. That is the Puputan war in Bali and holds a very large value for the Balinese people. The Puputan Klungkung incident was a milestone event that occurred on April 28, 1908. This incident involved the deaths of several important figures in Bali against the Dutch colonial army. One of them is Ida I Dewa Agung Gede Jambe who ascended the throne of the Klungkung Kingdom in 1904.

The Unique Collectibles at the Semarajaya Museum

The Unique Collectibles at the Semarajaya Museum

This museum was inaugurated on April 28, 1992 by the government through the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. When the inauguration took place simultaneously with the Puputan Klungkung Monument. In addition, one of the 3 main rooms in this monument also houses a collection of events from the Puputan Klungkung War. Photos of the kings of Klungkung are also clearly visible in this room, including a photo of Ida I Dewa Agung Gede Jambe sitting flanked by the two crown princes of Ida I Dewa Agung Gede Agung, Ida Tjokorde Rake Pugog (the king’s brother), and Agung Gede Ngurah Pelodot’s son. .

There are still many types of historical objects from the Klungkung Kingdom that can be found in this museum such as interesting works of art. Various collections of paintings from the famous Italian painter Emilio Ambron can also be witnessed directly. Emilio Ambron himself is a person who lived in Bali between 1938 and 1942. There are a total of 69 paintings by Emilio in this museum. Where all of Emilio’s paintings tell the living conditions of the Balinese people in the past.


Jl. Untung Surapati, Semarapura Kelod, Kec. Klungkung, Klungkung Regency.

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