It is no longer a question when the island of Bali is enlivened by many tourists. Tourists who come to Bali, both local and foreign tourists, want to enjoy all the beauty for themselves. Tourists will never get bored in Bali because there are so many fun activities to do.
Many places are worthy of being a tourist attraction in Bali that must be visited. These places usually have or display the characteristics of the island of Bali itself. Like one of them is the Penglipuran Village tourist attraction which shows the cultural characteristics that are still maintained to this day.

Visiting the Best Tourist Attraction, Penglipuran Traditional Village
There are always interesting things to tell about the island of Bali, one of which is a traditional village called Penglipuran village. A traditional village that still upholds the cultural order inherited by its ancestors. The cultural order can be seen from the layout of the building and its customs.
Because Balinese culture is still well preserved in this village, this village has developed into a tourist village that also provides a place to stay for every tourist who stays in this village. This tourist village is very far from the crowds and various kinds of pollution. The atmosphere is very calm and comfortable. Therefore, this traditional village will be the right tourist destination when vacationing in Bali.
The Interesting Things in Penglipuran Village
Penglipuran traditional village is an environmentally friendly residential complex, neatly arranged buildings built on the same land, the main door (angku-angkul) is the same and symmetrical, showing a unique and beautiful village atmosphere.
Penglipuran Bangli Village does have a conceptualized spatial layout, so it looks unique, the housing is very neat, the streets are clean and quiet without motorized vehicles, especially motorcycles are prohibited from entering the traditional housing complex. Parking lots are provided for tourist vehicles, both cars and tour buses.
The traditional settlement is thick with local wisdom, making Penglipuran Traditional Village quite famous among domestic and foreign tourists. It is not uncommon for school children to make Penglipuran Village a mandatory tourist destination during school vacations in study tour activities.

Penglipuran Village Attracts Many Tourists’ Attention
Many tourists after reading information about the Penglipuran traditional village become interested in visiting. Moreover, the location of this village is very strategic and easily accessible adjacent to other tourist attractions in the Bangli tourism area such as Kintamani tourist attraction, Kehen Temple, and Tukad Cepung waterfall. One of the private television stations chose Dt Penglipuran Village as a place to shoot a television movie, so many are curious to get to know this village more closely.
Vehicles are not allowed to enter, and the access road to the Penglipuran Bangli traditional village housing complex is deliberately made with steps so as not to allow vehicles to enter. The length of the road in this housing complex is about 500 meters. If during the trip tourists feel tired, there are food and drink stalls in a number of residents’ houses, there is also a traditional banjar in the middle of the settlement, so tourists can relax and rest in the banjar hall.
In Kubu Village, Bangli Regency.